Venetian Reflections Nicolao Atelier

Nicolao Atelier Venezia has decided to participate in the charity auction conceived by fashion designer Alberta Ferretti to help the Venetian Civic Museums. We are raffling, among others, 2 tickets for the Carnival Party Venetian Reflection. You can go to the Charity Stars website until 20 September 2021.
Venetian Reflections Nicolao Atelier
Image info
Image published on: June 10, 2021
Image size: 1265 × 1069 px
Image file name: Venetian-REflections-12.jpg
Nicolao Atelier Venezia ha deciso di partecipare all’asta di beneficenza ideata dalla stilista Alberta Ferretti per aiutare i Musei Civici Veneziani.
Mettiamo in palio, tra gli altri, 2 biglietti per la Festa di Carnevale Venetian Reflection.

Potrete andare sul sito di Charity Stars until 20 September 2021.
